You can order a new or replacement black, blue or garden waste bin if:

  • you’ve lost it

  • it’s been stolen
  • it’s been damaged or set on fire
  • you’ve moved house and there are no bin(s)
  • if you need an extra bin blue or green bin

How many bins you can have?

Each household is entitled to:

Bin prices

Each new or replacement household wheelie bin costs £25.

This covers admin and delivery costs.

If you order a new green bin, you’ll also need to pay for a yearly subscription to have it emptied.

Visit our garden waste collection service page for more information

Bin deliveries

We aim to deliver your new bin usually within 2 weeks.

We can deliver to your drive, front garden, back garden, other outside area, or your next door neighbour – please leave instructions on your bin order form.

Please make sure any gates are unlocked etc.  We can’t enter garages or sheds.  If you don’t tell us otherwise, we’ll leave the bin outside your property.

The bin may not be brand new, we often clean and repair bins so they can be used again.  All bins delivered to you remain council property.  It’s your responsibility to look after the bin, we aren’t responsible for any loss or damage after it’s been delivered. 

Order a bin

You’ll need to tell us:

  • your name, address and contact details
  • what colour and how many bin(s) you need
  • why you need a new bin

Order a new or replacement bin

Cancel your bin order

If you’ve ordered a new bin but need to cancel it, you do this within seven days of the purchase date. We can’t refund you if you cancel after this. You can cancel online:

We don’t accept cancellations by email.

If we’ve damaged your bin

If your bin was accidentally damaged by our crews or it fell into the wagon whilst we were emptying it, you don’t need to do anything.  We’ll let you know on the day then we’ll order and deliver a new bin to you usually within two weeks.

Bins for new build homes

If you’ve moved into a new build and you don’t have any bins, let the developer know - it’s up to them to order and pay for the bins.

Apply for another black bin

Before you apply for another black bin, we will check you are recycling as much as possible and putting the correct waste in each bin you have. Please look t our 'What you can put in your black, blue and green bin' page if you are not sure. If you are not recycling all your waste properly you will not be able to get a second black bin.

Read our terms and conditions before you order an additional black bin

14 January 2022