If you are in severe financial hardship or there are other exceptional personal circumstances which mean you are struggling to pay your council tax, you may be able to apply for a special discount.

You must apply in writing, either by letter or email, to the council tax team. 

  • You must include clear evidence of hardship or exceptional circumstances. 
  • We assess every claim on a case-by-case basis to decide whether a discount can be given and how much - it can be between 1% and 100%. 
  • If a discount is agreed, it’s usually only for a short period of time.

Write "Section 13A discount application" as the title of your letter or email then send it to:

Benefits and Exchequer Services
Warrington Borough Council
East Annexe
Town Hall
Sankey Street

Or [email protected]

You can also hand a letter in at Contact Warrington

When we can't give you a discount

We can't give a discount if you feel that the council has not satisfactorily delivered, or is still not delivering, a particular service which you feel you are entitled to. If you do have a complaint about the way we deliver a service please speak to our team at Contact Warrington. If you’re still unhappy, you can make a formal complaint.

7 February 2024