Our roads are swept on a schedule according to their classification and use. Therefore, we don't cleanse except in extreme circumstances.

Main Roads

Main A roads and through-routes are cleansed on average every 10 to 12 weeks. However, where cars are parked, it's not always possible to sweep or clean around them, particularly where there's a risk of damage to the parked car.

Residential areas

Residential roads are mechanically swept two to three times a year where required.

We'll mechanically sweep adopted roads to keep areas looking clean and tidy, ensuring that people can use roads safely. Please be aware that we can no longer operate outside of our schedule unless there's an immediate health or safety risk. Also, during the autumn, our cleansing frequencies noted above will reduce as we prioritise our resources into clearing leaf fall.  

You can help us by:

  • Putting your litter and chewing gum into the street bins we provide
  • Using the community recycling centres 
  • Having waste collection contracts for your business 
  • Not leaving your dog's mess for others to clear
  • Not 'Fly posting' - it's untidy and illegal 
  • Not parking where you want us to clean 

Littering is a Criminal Offence

It's a criminal offence to drop any materials associated with smoking, drinking, eating or anything else onto roads and streets. This includes dropping or throwing litter onto private land and land covered by water. Similarly, it is an offence to discard litter from your vehicle.

3 May 2023