There are three swing bridges across the Manchester ship canal in Warrington:

A5060 Chester Road

A49 London Road

A50 Knutsford Road

The ship canal and shipping movements are the responsibility of Peel Ports. We keep a record of the swing bridge openings which shows the number of bridge openings that have happened during certain hours of the day, and compare it to previous years. We update this every three months.

Get swing bridge alerts

To help you to plan ahead, sign up for alerts so you’ll know when the bridges are about to swing.

If you're on twitter you can follow @trafficwarr which posts an automated tweet 25-30 minutes before the swing bridges are due to open.

Warning signs on the road

We have signs on the road so that you can consider a different route when the bridges are closed to traffic. We also have signs which remind you to switch off your engine whilst you wait for the bridge to reopen, which helps improve air quality and reduce fuel emissions.

The signs on the roads leading up to the swing bridges light up when the bridges are closed to traffic, showing either a bridge symbol or a message saying ‘bridge swings in operation - delays likely‘.

16 January 2024