The Local Transport Plan (LTP) is a statutory document. It sets out how transport in Warrington will be maintained and improved over a period of time, usually five years. 

Our LTP includes local transport priorities and it helps to decide where we need to spend money to make transport better. It also includes plans which explain how we’ll do what it says in the LTP.

We collect information from different places to help us create a transport plan - we call this the ‘evidence base’. We also look at issues like the environment, the economy, the history of the area and the needs of local people.

Local Transport Plan progress review

We continue to make excellent progress in delivering transport improvements set out in our Local Transport Plan 4. Whether small scale improvements funded from our annual government grant or major transformational schemes delivered following bids to specific Department for Transport programmes, the range of travel choices for people in Warrington continues to grow. The three documents below provide an overview of progress.

  • The Local Transport Plan Review Dec 2003 sets out some of the transformational projects and schemes which we have built or are now in progress since LTP4 was approved in 2019. It includes information on projects such as the Bus Service Improvement Plan, the all electric bus programme (ZEBRA) , our new Cyclops junction in Bewsey, the town centre Travel Plan and the upcoming programme of over 150 electric vehicle charge points.
  • Enabling Active Travel in Warrington sets out progress on the delivery of our Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). It shows some of the schemes we have delivered and explains what further improvements are planned. It also summarises some of the promotional and engagement activities we have been doing across the borough and uses data we have collected to show how cycling levels continue to grow in Warrington.
  • The Transport Improvements 2015-16 to 2024-25 report sets out the range of transport improvement and highway maintenance programmes we have delivered over the last 9 years and provides information on future funding allocations. It includes a summary of the expenditure on individual major schemes costing over £250,000 and shows how successful the council has been in bringing in government grants and developer funding to help to deliver some of these transformational improvements.

Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4)

Our fourth Local Transport Plan was adopted in December 2019. It sets out our vision to make Warrington a thriving, attractive, and well connected place. Walking and cycling should be made easier, and public transport should be high quality so that more of us will use it.

LTP4 annual progress report
24 January 2024