How do I get advice and guidance on a proposed development prior to submitting an application?

We offer a pre-application service for Proposed Minor and Major developments, use our online form to apply

How do I know if I need planning consent?

Your proposed development may be permitted and not require planning consent, to check the criteria for permitted development you can use the national website the Planning Portals interactive house.

We cannot confirm over the phone or via email that planning consent is not required, if you wanted confirmation on this you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate at www.planningportal.co.uk, this would give you a formal response as to whether your proposed works are lawful and do not requiring planning permission.

What do I need to provide as part of my planning application?

Warrington Borough Council have a Validation Checklist, this sets out what we would be expecting when submitting a planning application.

How do I know the price of a planning application?

You can check the price of an application by looking at the fee regulations online.

How do I pay for a planning application?

Applications submitted via the Planning Portal have a payment option as part of the submission.

If you need to pay an additional fee or have not submitted your application via the Planning Portal you can follow the Make a Planning or Building Control payment link from our Pay page. You will need to select 'Planning' payment type in the left hand column of the page. Then from the drop down box, select the service you require.

Please note: if you do not have a reference number you can use the site address

How do I check the Planning History and Constraints on an address?

You can use our interactive maps to check the planning history and also any constraints on the land.

  • In the search box type the postcode or nearest address point
  • Click onto what would you like to do
  • Choose map layers
  • Tick Planning and Building Control and then click onto the black arrow

You can also select from a drop down list the constraints you are wishing to search for

Click onto the site in question, this will then show all planning history and the selected constraints on the site

If you want to view plans in connections with the site click onto show more and then click onto the link

How do I know if my PD (Permitted developments) rights have been removed?

Use the interactive map to view the history on the site, you then need to review the decision notices linked to the applications to see if your rights remain intact

Where can I get a site location plan from?

A site location plan needs to be at a scale of 1:1250 with the boundary of the site within a red line, Site Location plans are also known as Ordnance survey (OS) maps

To purchase a site location plan visit the Ordnance Survey website and select one of the many OS partners and outlets, many of which offer an online service.

There are some rare cases where an Ordnance Survey is not suitable.

For example, an application to build a conservatory on a new house. If the house is less than six months old then it probably does not appear on the Ordnance Survey map base. If this occurs then a developers plan would be accepted.

Please check with us first. Under normal circumstances only Ordnance Survey’s will be accepted.

Please note that it is not acceptable to use a Land Registry plan. There are several reasons for this. One of those reasons is that the coverage is always insufficient and the map base is rarely up-to-date.

The use of maps is restricted by copyright. The use of photocopied maps is not allowed. It is an offence to use illegal copies of maps. Maps issued for use with a specific application cannot be reused in other applications.

How do I view plans online using the planning reference number?

Visit our See or comment on planning applications page

  • Click onto search recent applications
  • Type in the reference, click search
  • Click onto the underlined reference
  • Click onto view planning documents

How do I comment on a Planning Application?

Visit our See or comment on planning applications page

How do I know what Use Class my business has?

Warrington Borough Council do not hold a comprehensive list of use classes for buildings in Warrington, to find out what the last known use class the building has you would need to check the planning history on the site by using our interactive map

I am proposing to work from home, do I need planning permission?

You do not necessarily need planning permission to work from home. The key test is whether the overall character of the dwelling will change as a result of the business. If the answer to any of the following questions is ‘yes’, then permission will probably be needed:

  • Will your home no longer be used mainly as a private residence?
  • Will your business result in a marked rise in traffic or people calling?
  • Will your business involve any activities unusual in a residential area?
  • Will your business disturb your neighbours at unreasonable hours or create other forms of nuisance such as noise or smells?

Whatever business you carry out from your home, whether it involves a dog grooming business, using part of it as a bed-sit or for ‘bed and breakfast’ accommodation, using a room as your personal office, providing a childminding service, using rooms for hairdressing, dressmaking or music teaching, or using buildings in the garden for repairing cars or storing goods connected with a business – the key test is: is it still mainly a home or has it become business premises?

If you are unsure as to whether you require consent you can apply for a Lawful Development Certificate, this will provide you with confirmation as to whether planning consent is required, visit the planning portal to apply.


Contact Planning

You can contact us by sending us a message or by calling us, our offices are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you want to contact the Building Control team, please visit the Building Control section of our website we cannot reply to questions for the Building Control team.

You can call the Planning team on 01925 442819

Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 1pm to 5pm.

Reporting a Planning Breach

You need to report a planning breach online by using our planning portal and register or sign in on the site. For more information on how to register and report a breach please visit our planning breach page.

Comments relating to a planning application

If your message is about comments for a specific application, we are unable to acknowledge or respond to any representations directly with you.

In your submission

You must include everything you want to bring to our attention in your submission. We can only take into account comments made in writing when making a decision.

Once a decision on a planning application has been made and notice issued, the report with responses to comments will be published within 5 working days.

You will be able to look at the decision on our planning website.

Any comments made on a planning application will be a public document and stored (in line with UK GDPR) in the application file with other details about the case. Comments are normally uploaded within 5 working days but sometimes this may take longer. When making a comment, please give us your address so we are clear on what you mean and how any development would affect your property.

Are you an applicant trying to contact a Case Officer?

We work on a single point of contact so if you have a nominated agent on your application form, you will need to contact them. This helps to make the process as smooth and as quick as possible.

Changing the agent's details

You can change or remove your agent’s details by contacting us.

Determining Planning Applications

We currently have a high demand for planning services and are prioritising our workload by timescale. We have taken action to ease this but the effect will not be immediate.

It would be helpful to everyone if applicants and agents would work with us and agree to formal Extensions of Time (EOT) for determining applications for the time being.

Permitted Developments

We do not give informal advice on whether a proposal is permitted development.

If you are a householder you can visit the interactive house on our planning portal for more information.

If you want our formal written confirmation that you do not need permission for a use or development, you will need to send us a Certificate of Lawfulness so we can consider it. For more information on how to apply, please visit our website.

Pre-application advice

Advice and charges for pre-application advice can be found on our website.

If you have a complex proposal, a planning performance agreement may be better. We will contact you with more information about this on request.

We cannot offer pre-application advice for householder developments. We use the House Extensions Supplementary Planning Documents. They help you consider the details of your proposal before you submit it. If you are successful, you will need to stick to the advice in this document after you submit it. Any changes made to it may not be discussed when the application is considered.

Planning history

You can research the planning history of property/land using our interactive map.

Appealing a planning decision

You can find out more information about appealing a decision on our website.

Planning permission

You can find more information on applying for planning permission on our website.

Recent applications

Visit our page See or comment on planning applications for more information.

General enquiries

We aim to reply to you within 10 working days. Please include a specific site address in any questions so we can give a full reply. We will contact you if we need a specific address or more information about your request

The information that you provide will only be used for the purpose of responding to the matter that you have contacted us about. The information will not be shared on or used for any other purposes other than dealing with your query.

For more information on how your data will be used please see our Privacy Policy

19 October 2023