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July 2024

On Monday 8 July 2024, the council adopted its updated Environmental Protection SPD, updated Planning Obligations SPD and the Warrington Design Guide SPD. These documents can be viewed on the Supplementary Planning Documents page, along with the associated consultation and adoption statements. The three SPDs cover the whole of the Borough and will now be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications’

May 2024

Following an 8-week consultation period on the Draft Planning Obligations SPD, from 13 December 2023 to 7 February 2024, the council has re-opened focused consultation as a result of further proposed changes to the education requirements of the SPD.

The council welcomes comments on the further proposed changes during the re-consultation period which will run from Friday 10 May 2024 to 5pm on Friday 7th June 2024.

March 2024

On 10 January 2024, Brooklyn Limited made an application for permission for a statutory review of Warrington Borough Council’s decision to adopt its Local Plan.  On 19 March 2024, the High Court ordered that the application be refused. The Claimant had 7 days of that date, i.e. until 4.00 pm on Tuesday 26 March 2024, in which to make an application for a renewed application for permission.  No application for renewal was made.


There are no other outstanding claims against the adoption of the Local Plan.

December 2023

The council received the Local Plan Inspectors’ Report on 25 October 2023, and this marked the end of the Local Plan examination. The Local Plan was adopted at a meeting of full council on 4 December 2023. The Warrington Local Plan 2021/22 – 2038/39 is now the statutory development plan for the whole of the Borough, used in the determination of planning applications. 

Consultation on the Draft Warrington Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Draft Planning Obligations SPD and Draft Environmental Protection SPD commenced on 13 December 2023 for an 8 week period, concluding at 5pm on 7 February 2024. It is anticipated that the three SPDs will be adopted by the council in June 2023.

Local plan evidence base library
25 July 2024