Preparing for Adulthood is about taking positive action to ensure that young people with special educational needs and/or disability and/or illness can achieve the best outcomes in the following areas:

  • Employment - this includes talking from year 9 about work opportunities, access to careers advice and identifying outcomes regarding working or volunteering. A discussion should take place about work skills courses, supported internships and apprenticeships.
  • Independent living – this includes talking from year 9 about where a young person wishes to live when they are an adult, who they plan to live with and what type of support they will need. Housing options will be discussed.
  • Being part of the local community - this means an early conversation with a young person about the support they may need to attend groups, activities and to understand what type of transport they may need. It also includes supporting a young person to development and maintain friendships.
  • Being Healthy – this includes both physical and emotional health. It includes being in receipt of information to make decisions about health and being able to attend health appointments at the correct time. Health needs should be discussed from year 9 so arrangements can be made for young people to move from children to adult health services in a smooth way.

National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) - Preparing for Adulthood: Tools & Resources

In the final year of further education, the council’s EHC Team will start to make arrangements alongside the young person (and their parents/carers), and other relevant professionals involved with the young person to transition to social care if this is required and they are eligible.

This will help support services to prepare their offer ready for when education provision stops. This will help young people to maximise their chances of leading independent and fulfilling adult lives.

Preparation for adulthood team (PFA)

This is an adult social care team based at the council’s main office at Times Square in Warrington – 01925 446170. 

What does the team do?

Social workers in the team work alongside young people with SEND and their parents together with other organisations e.g., colleges, health to plan a smooth preparation for adulthood.

The PFA team work with young people aged 14-25 years who have an Education, Health, Care Plan and who meet Care Act (2014) eligibility criteria.

Download and read the 'Making Sure the Care Act Works' Easy read consultation document

Planning your support

The PFA social worker works alongside a young person aged 18 years + to find services that can meet the person’s needs and achieve outcomes. Where possible it is best that any support provided is done in Warrington to avoid long journeys to other areas and to give a young adult a chance to get to know their local area.

Paying for social care services

Adults in receipt of social care commissioned services may have to contribute to the cost of those services. Once a young person is 18 years old the council will complete a financial assessment to determine the amount of money the young person will have to pay towards services. The assessment looks at the young person’s income not the income of the whole family. A copy of their assessed weekly contribution towards their care costs would then be shared and invoices sent out which would need to be paid monthly.

Please refer to Eligibility and Paying for Adult Social Care for detailed information regarding the financial assessment process.


Under the Care Act 2014, the council has a general duty to arrange care and support for those who are eligible following the assessment of need.  Transport is not a service in its own right but is a means to access services and support. Transport will only be provided by the council if it is the only reasonable means of ensuring that a service user can safely travel to activities and services as part of an agreed support plan. Transport is chargeable to all individuals at a fixed rate per journey. 

The council will only support transport for individuals where all other options have been explored.  These options could include independent travel on community or public transport, support from family and friends, vehicle funded through PIP or DLA or sharing transport with other young adults.

Transport will not be provided to services outside of Warrington if there is an alternative within Warrington that meets the need.

8 January 2024