Some adults may have to rely on other people to help them to meet their day to day needs. This may be due to their age, frailty, disability, illness or lifestyle. Sometimes they can’t protect themselves, or express their feelings and because of this, the risk of them being abused, neglected or exploited may be higher.

We work with the police, health services and other local organisations to keep people safe. We should all have the right to live in safety, without fear of abuse or neglect.

How can we help?

If you’re worried that a vulnerable adult is being abused, exploited or neglected – or is at risk of this happening – you have a responsibility to report it.

It might be something someone has told you, something you heard or saw, or just something that makes you feel uncomfortable about how someone is being treated or looked after.

If you are a friend, relative or member of the public refer to the below information:

  • Contact our adult social care first response team on 01925 443322 or outside of office hours contact us via 01925 444400
  • If you think a crime has been committed, ring the police on 101

If you believe the adult is at immediate risk of harm, call 999

If you are a professional, please complete the online safeguarding adults referral form. If you require advice and guidance to do so please refer to the Safeguarding vs safeguarding guidance pack.

What happens next?

Once you have reported your concerns, Adult Social Care will:

  • Listen to your concerns
  • Work with other agencies to make enquiries as appropriate
  • Take any steps to protect the person, now and in the future
  • Treat the person with dignity and respect, and make sure their wishes and feelings are considered wherever possible

Safeguarding adults

You can find out more about how we safeguard adults including our policies and procedures from Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - Safeguarding Adults

What if I have concerns about a person in a position of trust?

If you have concerns about a person who works with or cares for adults with care and support needs, such as an employee or volunteer then complete the online form.

These individuals are known as People in Position of Trust (PiPot). You can find out more about the PiPot from Warrington Safeguarding Partnerships - PiPot.

Only complete this form if an adult is not directly at risk. If an adult is at risk because of the concern, please complete the adult safeguarding referral form.

17 June 2024