Have a look to see what’s planned in your area. Follow the progress of an application or have your say on plans as well as checking planning appeals.

Search and look

You can carry out keyword searches in various ways such as Applicant Name, Address (using the 'Address' field will search all individual elements of an address as well as the site address description which holds non postal addresses and acts as a 'magic' search) or planning reference number. You can also look for applications via our weekly lists.

Commenting on applications

We will add your comments to the application within 5 working days, but sometimes it may take longer. We will need your address so we can understand how the application may affect your property. All comments are made public as part of the application and will be in line with data protection laws.

We make decisions in line with our local development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

PLEASE NOTE;  Currently only comments received from 10 October 2022 onwards will be available on the website, however we are working to make all comments submitted available.

Responses to comments

We won’t contact you directly with our response but we will include it in the report along with a decision notice within 5 working days of the decision.

Please put all issues that you want to raise in your comments, even if you are not sure if they are relevant so that they can be assessed. Only comments made in writing will be taken into account in the decision making process

You will be able to view the report on the planning portal.

Contacting us

If you have an agent we will only discuss the application with them.  If you decide to change or remove your agent you need to let us know by emailing development control ([email protected]).

Interactive map

To search the interactive map, you should first find the area that you wish to look at by putting the address in the search bar at the top of the page. You should then click on ‘What would you like to do’ in the top left hand corner of the map. You can then chose from various options. ‘Map Features’ lets you identify matters that relate to a specific location or wider area.

Contact Planning

You can contact us by sending us a message or by calling us, our offices are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you want to contact the Building Control team, please visit the Building Control section of our website we cannot reply to questions for the Building Control team.

You can call the Planning team on 01925 442819

Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 1pm to 5pm.

Reporting a Planning Breach

You need to report a planning breach online by using our planning portal and register or sign in on the site. For more information on how to register and report a breach please visit our planning breach page.

Comments relating to a planning application

If your message is about comments for a specific application, we are unable to acknowledge or respond to any representations directly with you.

In your submission

You must include everything you want to bring to our attention in your submission. We can only take into account comments made in writing when making a decision.

Once a decision on a planning application has been made and notice issued, the report with responses to comments will be published within 5 working days.

You will be able to look at the decision on our planning website.

Any comments made on a planning application will be a public document and stored (in line with UK GDPR) in the application file with other details about the case. Comments are normally uploaded within 5 working days but sometimes this may take longer. When making a comment, please give us your address so we are clear on what you mean and how any development would affect your property.

Are you an applicant trying to contact a Case Officer?

We work on a single point of contact so if you have a nominated agent on your application form, you will need to contact them. This helps to make the process as smooth and as quick as possible.

Changing the agent's details

You can change or remove your agent’s details by contacting us.

Determining Planning Applications

We currently have a high demand for planning services and are prioritising our workload by timescale. We have taken action to ease this but the effect will not be immediate.

It would be helpful to everyone if applicants and agents would work with us and agree to formal Extensions of Time (EOT) for determining applications for the time being.

Permitted Developments

We do not give informal advice on whether a proposal is permitted development.

If you are a householder you can visit the interactive house on our planning portal for more information.

If you want our formal written confirmation that you do not need permission for a use or development, you will need to send us a Certificate of Lawfulness so we can consider it. For more information on how to apply, please visit our website.

Pre-application advice

Advice and charges for pre-application advice can be found on our website.

If you have a complex proposal, a planning performance agreement may be better. We will contact you with more information about this on request.

If your proposal relates to an existing house, before submitting a pre-application enquiry, look at the House Extensions Supplementary Planning Document.  This gives detailed advice on what may be acceptable in usual circumstances and may avoid the need for pre-application discussions. If after reading it, you are still unclear then please do submit an enquiry to us as we cannot have a detailed discussion on amendments to a planning application once it has been submitted.

Planning history

You can research the planning history of property/land using our interactive map.

Appealing a planning decision

You can find out more information about appealing a decision on our website.

Planning permission

You can find more information on applying for planning permission on our website.

Recent applications

Visit our page See or comment on planning applications for more information.

General enquiries

We aim to reply to you within 10 working days. Please include a specific site address in any questions so we can give a full reply. We will contact you if we need a specific address or more information about your request

The information that you provide will only be used for the purpose of responding to the matter that you have contacted us about. The information will not be shared on or used for any other purposes other than dealing with your query.

For more information on how your data will be used please see our Privacy Policy

7 January 2025