As well as these self-guided walks across some of our most beautiful scenery there's a number of longer distance trails around Warrington including the Trans Pennine Trail and Sankey Canal trail.

Blakeley farm and Culcheth Linear Park


The walk is 2km (1.2 miles) and takes about 30 minutes


Culcheth Linear Park car park


You can park in Culcheth Linear car park

Public transport

The No. 19 bus between Warrington and Leigh stops at the entrance to Wigshaw Lane

The route

  1. Walk towards the road bridge and when you reach it, turn right and follow the steps to reach the road
  2. Follow the footway to the right for about 110 metres until you reach a green footpath signpost
  3. Turn right at the signpost and follow the vehicle access track/footpath for 160 metres
  4. Turn left before the entrance to the farmyard and follow the path on the left, along the grassy field, for 300 metres
  5. At the junction - which is signposted - turn right and go along the farm access road/footpath towards Blakeley Farm
  6. When you reach the farmyard, turn right (there is a yellow arrow on the wall) and follow the path at the edge of the field after passing through a stile and gap
  7. When you get to the stile and some steps, go down the steps and at the bottom turn onto the path (known as a ‘permissive bridleway’) through Culcheth Linear Park
  8. In 600 metres you’ll be back at the car park
Moore Nature Reserve from Chester Road


The walk is 2.84km (1.75 miles) and takes about an hour.

Start / finish

Taylor Street or Chester Road


Park considerately in Taylor Street. Walk to the Old Quay Canal, either by the boat walk from Taylor Street or go down the steps from Chester Road.

Public transport

The 10C bus stops at Gainsborough Road, near to the start of the walk.

The route

  1. Walk along the canal towpath (Trans Pennine Trail) to the access gate at Eastford Road
  2. Go along Eastford Road (look out for vehicles!) for about 112 metres then go underneath the two railway bridges until you reach a signpost
  3. Turn left at the signpost and walk about 92m along the dirt road
  4. At the junction go to the right
  5. Follow the grassy path – which used to be the towpath of the Runcorn and Latchford Canal – for about 785m until you reach some steps
  6. At the top of the steps turn left at the T-junction with the dirt road
  7. Go along the road for about 502m, staying left when you go past the junction
  8. Turn left at the next corner and continue down the dirt road for about 712 metres – passing through the gate and gap - until you get back to the junction (point 4 above)
  9. Retrace your steps to get back to where you started!

Map of route

Oughtrington, Agden and the Bridgewater Canal


The walk is 6.83km (4.25 miles) and takes about 1 hour 20 minutes – but we suggest you allow more time to take in the beautiful views!

Start / finish

Oughtrington Lane near St Peter’s Church


There is some parking on Oughtrington Lane near St Peter’s Church – but try and avoid when there is a church service or during the school run.

There is also some parking at Agden Bridge – but don't park in the designated passing place, or obstruct the road in any other way.

The route

The route goes across roads, stone paths and grass paths, which can be muddy in places. There are no big hills. You may need to go over some stiles.

  1. From St Peter’s Church, walk south up Oughtrington Lane past the school to reach the A56
  2. Turn left towards Altrincham and walk about 200 metres, then carefully cross the road to reach a signed public footpath, Whiteleggs Lane, just past a row of cottages
  3. Walk to the end of the footpath at Kay Lane, then turn left and follow the lane until it reaches High Legh Road (B5159)
  4. Carefully cross the road to the stile and gate, where there is also a footpath sign, and follow the footpath with the hedge line on your right hand side
  5. Cross the stile into the second field and follow the row of wooden telegraph poles that are on the footpath line until you reach Froghall Lane
  6. Turn left along Agden Park Lane to reach the A56 with the Wheatsheaf pub opposite you, then turn right and follow the A56, Agden Brow for about 550 metres
  7. Carefully cross the road and walk down Agden Lane to reach Warrington Lane and follow round to the right, then left across Warrington Lane and the canal at Agden Bridge
  8. Join the towpath left and turn right (west) and it’s a lovely walk of 1.32 miles along the Bridgewater Canal to Lloyd Bridge (the name is on the bridge arch)
  9. Leave the canal here turning right (south) up Oughtrington Lane and back to where you started
Spud Wood from Pepper Street


The walk is 4.06km (2.5 miles) and takes about 50 minutes - but we suggest you allow more time to take in the beautiful views!

Start / finish

Pepper street car park


Pepper Street pay and display car park

Public transport

Buses 5, 6 and 47 stop at Lymm Cross.

The route

The route goes across roads, stone paths and mown grass paths, which can be muddy in places. It’s mainly flat except for a short, steep path from the bridge down to the canal at Spud Wood. There are no stiles.

  1. Turn left out of the car park onto Pepper Street and walk to the end of the road with Ravenbank Primary School on the right
  2. Continue ahead along a bridleway running almost parallel to the canal to reach Oughtrington Lane near the canal bridge
  3. Turn right facing up Oughtrington Lane and after 50 yards carefully cross the road and follow a signposted track to the Woodland Trust’s Spud Wood
  4. When you get to the meadow, follow either of the mown paths around the edge of the woodland (the paths meet again on the other side)
  5. Go through the metal kissing gate to get to Grantham’s Bridge, over the Bridgewater Canal
  6. Cross the canal bridge and turn left steeply down to the canal towpath
  7. Turn right and follow the canal under Lloyd Bridge to eventually reach Lymm Bridge in Lymm village – take a look underneath the bridge, you can see how it’s been widened in the past to accommodate the traffic
  8. Retrace your steps from Lymm Bridge and after 50 metres, at the curved brick-built apartments, turn left onto New Road
  9. Follow the path, crossing Lymm Bridge and passing in front of the Bull’s Head pub, to get to Lymm Cross with Pepper Street, where you started your walk
9 January 2023