A skyline of Warrington including Birchwood Park, Walton Hall, Warrington Town Hall and UTC

The Warrington Skills Commission was established to ensure local people have the skills employers want and need.

Its has conducted research with a focus on the skills required to fuel existing and future business needs, such as science, technology, engineering, distribution, logistics and business services.

The commission is made up of representatives from a broad range of sectors, including the council, local business, education and skills, public and the voluntary and community sector. 

Based on this evidence and research, the commission has drawn conclusions on Warrington’s current position and challenges, identifying areas for improvement and making recommendations for change.

The Commission's findings

Gathering evidence to form conclusions

The Commission launched a public survey to assess employability and skills across the borough. The survey looked to identify current skills, job market trends, future employment opportunities and what people look for when applying for a job. 

The commission also facilitated a number of focused workshops with businesses and other key partners to discuss barriers to employment, education and skills, and business and enterprise.

In concluding its report, the Commission therefore:

  • Used feedback from the public survey to determine what employers’ skills requirements are across Warrington’s businesses and the local economy more generally, especially in priority sectors where there are hard to fill vacancies and skills needs
  • Reviewed progress made since the last Skills Commission carried out in Warrington in 2013, looking at what has worked well over the past decade and what has not been delivered
  • Reviewed the nature of Warrington’s economy currently and into the future
  • Explored the policy framework around education and skills including the Skills Bill, the Education White Paper and the Academy agenda, reflecting on what this means for the skills needs of Warrington
  • Reviewed the current approach of education and skills providers in Warrington

Skills and qualifications

The commission also looked at the skills and qualifications needs of Warrington’s economy and businesses to ensure that:

  • the local economy remains competitive
  • the local economy grows to its true potential
  • the current and future workforce needs of local businesses and organisations are met
  • local people can participate fully in Warrington’s economic growth

Further information

8 September 2023