Contacting Adult Social Care 

If you need to speak to someone in our Adult Social Care service, you can contact us on 01925 443322

Our trained professionals will be able to help resolve your call or put you in touch with someone who can.

Share your experiences

We want to hear what you think about our services. Your feedback can be about our services, information we provide or anything else adult social care related. 

We want to use your experience to understand which things we get right and what we need to improve to make things better. 

We will use your feedback to shape the way we deliver our services in the future. There are a range of ways in which you can provide feedback. 

Your responses will be anonymous unless you wish to receive a call back to discuss your feedback and leave your contact details on this online form.

Provide feedback online 

Speak to Healthwatch

Healthwatch logo

If you would prefer to share your feedback with an independent organisation, you can contact Healthwatch Warrington. Your local health and social care champion who can help you to share your experiences of using local support services such care homes, mental health services, home care services and much more.

As an independent statutory body, Healthwatch has the power to make sure health and social care leaders listen to local feedback and improve standards of care.

Your feedback will be used to better understand the challenges facing health and social care and ensure that your experiences improve health and care for everyone—locally and nationally. You can also access reliable and trustworthy information and advice.

Get in touch and share your views at Healthwatch Warrington


Call/WhatsApp: 01925 246893

Making a complaint

We would encourage you to share your experiences with us through the above channels or through your allocated social worker, if you have one, so we can understand your experiences and resolve any concerns you may have as early as possible. However if you do wish to formally complain about the services you have received, you can follow our complaints procedure. To do this, you can follow our complaints procedure.

22 October 2024