Maximum hackney carriage fares

With effect from 9 May 2023

Tariff 1 - 7am to 11pm

Tariff 2 - 11pm to 7am

Tariff 3 - 24 hours all bank holidays and public holidays, plus from 6pm on Christmas eve and new years eve

Mileage Tariff 1 - 7am to 11pm Tariff 2 - 11pm to 7am Tariff 3 - Bank holidays
If the distance does not exceed 783.6 yards £3.35 £3.90 £3.90
For each subsequent 93 yards 10p 15p 20p
Charge at first mile £4.45 £5.55 £6.10
Charge for each subsequent mile (up to 6) £1.90    
Charge for each further mile £3 £3.25 £3.80
Waiting time (For each completed 30 seconds) 10p 15p 20p

Where five or more passengers are carried the above tariffs will increase by 50% becoming tariffs 4, 5 and 6.

Extra charges

  • £50 - For fouling a cab
  • 10p - For each article carried outside passenger compartment
  • £1 - For carrying livestock at the discretion of the driver, except "assistance dogs"
  • 10p - For each bicycle or pram

Any complaint regarding fares, vehicles etc, should be made using the taxi complaint form or in writing quoting the number shown on the front, rear or dash of the vehicle to:

Licensing Section, Warrington Borough Council, Town Hall, East Annexe, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH

Tel: 01925 984728


17 May 2023