Historic England supports the content of the Spatial Portrait which sets out the evolution of the town and the contribution it makes to its unique character and identity including its historic environment.
Historic England supports the inclusion of the historic environment within the Vision (Bullet 6). The long term vision ensures that the Plan can demonstrate a positive strategy for the historic environment in line with the requirements of the NPPF.
Historic England supports the inclusion of the historic environment in Objective W5, which is consistent with the requirements of the NPPF.
Historic England supports Policy DEV3 as it ensures that any proposals will safeguard the historic environment of Warrington and accords with the requirements of the NPPF including paragraphs 8, 11a, 20 and 190 including the need for consideration of other relevant policies within the Plan, such as those covering the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed employment allocations, as they are accompanied by an appropriate assessment of the historic environment (see additional site allocation/policy comments). The Plan can demonstrate that the sites can be developed without harm to the historic environment and that where harm is identified, appropriate mitigation measures are proposed. This accords with the requirements of the NPPF.
Historic England welcomes the content of this policy including improving the role of the town centre and its environment and enhancing its cultural activities. In addition, we support the need for development proposals to conserve and enhance the historic environment, in line with the requirements of the NPPF.
Proposals for utilities and telecommunications have the potential to harm heritage assets and their settings. We welcome the requirement to ensure that there is no harm to heritage assets. In view of this, the policy provides a framework that would safeguard the Borough?s heritage assets in line with the requirements of the NPPF.
We welcome reference to heritage assets, in the list of potential matters to be funded by planning contributions. The town has number of assets on the Heritage at Risk Register and we welcome the opportunities to safeguard them, through this policy.
We welcome the inclusion of this policy. The policy provides a positive framework as required by the NPPF, that would help safeguard the Borough?s historic environment when dealing with development proposals.
We welcome the inclusion of a policy for the historic environment in the Warrington Local Plan. The policy sets out its strategy based on elements which contribute to Warrington?s distinct identity and sense of place. In addition, we consider that Para 4 to 8 will provide an appropriate framework on which to guide the assessment of applications that affect Warrington?s historic environment.
Historic England supports the content of Policy DC6. We welcome the inclusion of this policy which promotes the need for good design in all development proposals in Warrington. Policy meets the requirements of the NPPF.
Meets NPPF requirements and Historic England supports the proposed policy as it ensures that mineral extraction proposals will be required to be in accordance with other policies in the Local Plan which includes the historic environment one. We also support other policy criteria including building stone quarries, that will support the conservation and restoration of heritage assets and to sustain local vernacular.
Historic England supports the proposed policy as it ensures that energy mineral developments will be required to be in accordance with other policies in the Local Plan which includes the historic environment one. In view of this, we consider that this policy meets the NPPF requirements of the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy as it ensures that renewal and low carbon energy developments will be required to be in accordance with other policies in the Local Plan, which includes the historic environment one. In view of this, we consider that this policy meets the NPPF requirements for the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation MD1, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. Historic England also welcomes the reference to the Transporter Bridge and the Plan?s positive approach to securing the future of this heritage asset at risk. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation MD2, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation MD3, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation MD5, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation MD6, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation OS4, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
Historic England supports the proposed policy and heritage impact assessment. Site Allocation OS6, is accompanied by a heritage impact assessment (HIA). The proposed policy ensures that any proposals will be required to preserve and enhance the historic environment. The policy reference to the HIA also ensures that this evidence is included in the site requirements for the site and that any proposals will need to be in accordance with it, including the implementation of recommended mitigation and design measures. The Plan can demonstrate that the site can be developed without harm to the historic environment.
In view of our response to the Local plan, we do not have any comments to make on the Sustainability Appraisal.