Respondent name
Dr Kevin McAloon
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Parts of the plan are unsound. Economic growth forecasts are unrealistic since they have never been achieved historically. No special circumstances for the building of 4,200 homes on Green Belt in south Warrington. Council should prioritise development of brownfield land over and above Fiddlers Ferry.. Development proposed in south Warrington will destroy the valued landscape and rural character of existing villages. WBC has over estimated the number of homes that are deliverable/achievable. Limited road infrastructure proposed in S Warrington giving more traffic congestion and air pollution. Development is dependent on roads that are already overstretched. Regeneration of the town centre is a commendable objective but the council needs to set out a deliverable plan to achieve this. A workable mass transit system is one possible solution but delivery is questionable. Concern regarding large commercial sites on the edge of Appleton Thorn. Various proposals in the plan contravene policies in the Appleton Thorn Neighbourhood Plan.