Respondent name
Darren Wedgwood
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The development of many thousands of new homes in south Warrington is completely unjustified and would ruin the existing character of local villages such as Appleton Thorn, Appleton, Thelwall and Grappenhall, and the inevitable increase in traffic that this would cause on our already congested roads in south Warrington has not been accommodate in the plan. South Warrington traffic in and out of the town relies almost entirely on a small number of ancient swing bridges and the congestion we see when these bridges open or when issues on our surrounding motorway network results in traffic diverting into Warrington is already an unacceptable mess without the additional impact the proposed development would add to our road network. South Warrington's road network is already overstretched and not fit for purpose before even considering any additional load. Furthermore, the result of increased traffic on the area on our pollution and air quality is not an acceptable position to impose on the local residents! Also objects to the level of Green Belt release.