Respondent name
Mr Simon Romani
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objects to the level of development proposed in South Warrington. The roads are congested with local, and frequently diverted motorway traffic, causing our local lanes to be blocked, with long queues of standing traffic.
This in turn creates pollution from standing traffic. In light of the current climate crisis this is insulting, looks ignorant and is a HUGE problem for us and our families health.
There are no plans for improving the roads/ bridge crossings/public transport etc. to help reduce the extra congestion which these developments would create.
The town has other brown belt land which could be used instead of taking our countryside, green spaces, wildlife, which we badly need to offset the carbon emissions affecting our health and that of the environment.
There is no justification for the numbers of planned homes, and land for employment, with no plans to increase and improve the currently stretched infrastructure to accommodate such numbers it is disastrous for all local residents. Our schools, surgeries, dentists, sports and recreation facilities are insufficient for the current numbers of residents and would not begin to serve the potential growth in population.