Respondent name
Stephen Peers
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

It will adversely affect the environment in the area, the increased traffic in the area is not sustainable. Even now if there's an accident on nearby roads/motorways the traffic divert through the local area which causes a unacceptable amount of extra congestion. The air quality in the area is already of poor quality and this would add to that. Also the noise from both the nearby motorways (M6 & M62) is already unacceptable, you are unable to sit in your garden in summer as it is! No infrastructure in place to support this application.
Schools, GP surgeries, hospital are already overstretched. The area already suffers from flooding and additional houses would make this worse. Given the area the proposed development is, it would probably mean that it would be commuters from Manchester and Liverpool would move to the area and not local people.
What's Warrington needs is affordable rental accommodation for families.