Respondent name
Fiona Williams
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

I would like to lodge my Objection to building On green belt in the Warrington area . There is enough brownfield area and areas in need of regeneration in the town centre which could be used . Already too many new houses being Built on areas which I use for walking And cycling Up in south Warrington from where I live in Latchford ,destruction of natural habitat and wooded areas already taking place affecting the wildlife and quality of life for residents and visitors from inner town who enjoy the outdoors. We all need to take responsibility for the current climate crisis and developments such as this really don?t help the ecology of an area. It?s time for you and other local councils to start thinking out of the usual box of utilizing precious green space in such an unnecessary way ! Creating so called green corridors means you have destroyed the green belt already.
Traffic outside my property on Knutsford road one way system is already at huge volumes and at times almost Impossible to cross the road! Development such as this will just add to the volume of traffic as there is no infrastructure other than to drive by car to those areas.