Respondent name
John Upton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

We strongly object to the proposed development in Culcheth on many grounds which are as follows:
1) The loss of Green Belt land in the Culcheth area. The Council should be looking at utilising more brownfield sites.
2) The present road system in Culcheth will not support a development of this size - Warrington Road is already one big traffic jam from the Greyhound roundabout on the A580 through Glazebury and Culcheth and up to Risley at peak times. We cannot see how the road system can be improved or extended (bearing in mind that Holcroft Lane is a country B road) to accommodate the extra vehicles of 200+ houses - to do so would result in having to take more Green Belt land. There is already too much traffic coming through Culcheth as it is, and this will be even more of a nightmare if the HS2 project proceeds.
3) The schools in Culcheth are full, the GP surgeries are full, and the local bus service in this area is poor and very limited - the present infrastructure in this area would not be able to support the residents of an extra 200-500 houses. It is all very well saying in the plan that provision should be made for extra facilities to support the development, but how long will this take to come (if it ever does), and in the meantime the existing facilities (i.e. schools, healthcare, etc.) will be overwhelmed and we as local residents will suffer.