Respondent name
Kate Jones
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1. Recently, Boris Johnson announced that greenbelt land should not be built on. Why aren't the council delaying the plan until clarification can be got?? Other councils are doing this.
2. If the plan goes ahead villages of South Warrington will be destroyed forever. I do not believe Warrington needs this amount of housing growth or employment land.
3. With this mass development our air quality which is already compromised will be further compromised.
4. Mass development will have a devastating impact on wildlife and cause potential flood issues.
5. Infrastructure- Warrington becomes gridlocked regularly there is nothing in this plan as to how this will not happen on a more regular basis if the plan goes ahead. We don't need more cars, dual carriageways etc. There is nothing to suggest that there won't be a rat run for HGVs through historic villages such as Stretton.
6. Have all other brownfield or unused buildings been included in the housing numbers?? There are many empty houses and office buildings spread throughout Warrington can these not be turned into housing??