Respondent name
Sarah Liversedge
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

There should be no building on green belt whatsoever. No economic growth can justify taking green space. The plan needs to include CREATING more green space and trees. Any building that is essential has to be on brownfield. It should not be about putting money in developers pockets. Lymm and surrounds does not need any more large detached houses, this is not in line with government plans.
- Disused shops, industrial sites, and closed businesses should be first for housing plans. Shopping habits have changed (online) and it?s time use this to economic advantages.
- I completely object to the Six56. Every element of this plan does not benefit local residents, the environment or traffic and infrastructure. This is a highly suspicious plan and the government need to intervene as clearly this is designed to benefit certain wealthy individuals only.
- The main issue I have with the plan is that it does not align with the latest environmental progress. It needs amending urgently. The plan damages the planet and is not progressive for our future generations.