Respondent name
Catherine Brookes
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I would like to express my regret at the proposals put forward for the Urban Extension..
this current plan will destroy the green space character of South Warrington.. this is not something our future children will ever get back.. I do not think anyone has the right to destroy it in this way? no one..
It?s only because developers will get more money for land in this part of Warrington .
So call brown land is still available and open for use.. making so called more affordable houses as the government is stressing we all need..
And please don?t wave Schools, Doctors and new roads at us, as it?s been promised before.. look at Stamford Brook Estate Altrincham? all was promised including a hospital!! What they got was expensive houses, one new road junction and a Waitrose!!
This is land that the council should re consider building on before proof of other alternatives have been seen in detail.