Respondent name
Sandra Rowlands
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Croft has always had a flooding problem and this will only make matters worse by digging up valuable Greenbelt land and given the COP 26 idealistic messages this goes against all of that.
The local bus service is a shambles at one bus every two hours at times and does not always turn up then. Children wishing to go into Croft Primary School are having to go to Winnick as there hasn't been places for them .
If these properties are built I take it they will have the latest heating systems incorporated as boilers will soon be deemed unfit for the environment plus electric points for cars at every property. Last but not least The Wildlife Act of 1981 states that no land can be disturbed during nesting season and this land for years has had Buzzards nesting and feeding on it. When it's gone it's gone.