Respondent name
Nigel Howe
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

There appears to ne little or no contingency to upgrade the local road network, the roads are already congested, adding another 4,200 homes will have a disastrous impact on the traffic flow, especially when trying to cross the Ship Canal, which has limited crossings that cannot cope now during peak periods. The local amenities, dentists, doctors, schools, leisure facilities and shops already struggling to cope with the current residents, will not be able to take any more inhabitants, what are the occupants of the new home supposed to do.
Releasing the Green Belt will have a disastrous effect on the local residents, and the wildlife, surely more brownfield sites should be used by the developers, releasing Green Belt areas to developers will discourage them from using the brown field sites.
The plan is using predictions set by the government formula, but appears to be unrealistic for Warrington, it suggests build rates that have never been achieved in Warrington.
The six56 which is also part of the plan, is putting more traffic on a already congested motorway junction, and is unlikely to provide the kind of work for those people that can afford to buy local houses, Warrington already has a high capacity of warehousing to the North, as well as St Helens Parkside, this area would be better left as Green Belt.