Respondent name
Sarah Glover
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1. Lack of infrastructure - the proposed development is going to inflict substantial impact upon the existing local transport links. Thousands of road journeys are going to be added on to the A50 and on to the A56, as well as our own Cliffe Lane which would become more hazardous and polluting. The local schools, healthcare arrangements etc. would be further burdened.
2. Abuse of greenbelt/ agricultural land - The land, pasture, hedgerows around the Thelwall Heys areas is/ are well established. It is high quality countryside and makes a positive contribution towards slowing down global warming.
3. Wildlife preservation - This area provides much rich habitat to bird and wildlife species. Housing construction needs to be conditional on the proper consideration of the impact upon wildlife.
4. Urbanisation - The Thelwall Heys area provides a valuable green space which is well utilised by individuals in pursuit of outdoor activities. It makes a positive contribution to health and welfare.
5. The Thelwall Heys area appears like a 'soft target' to planners, developers and landowner/s. It exists in an area where property prices are high and offers a large return. If WBC was behind local needs and views, I would expect it to support objections. The draft plan suggests otherwise.