Respondent name
Richard Keers
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

South Warrington Extension
- the proposals as they stand in my view destroy the distinctive nature of the area in terms of villages. It is no longer possible to separate Appleton, Grappenhall Heys, Stretton, Appleton Thorn and Wright?s Green in these plans. I think it is important to scale back housing to leave clearer boundaries between them, e.g. along lumb brook road and Dodds lane. Otherwise this would create the urban sprawl the Council says it has avoided in the plans.
- in the main Warrington Local Plan, it is stated that 2400 houses will be built ?during the Plan period.? It then emerges in the South Warrington Plan that it is more than 4000 homes over a longer period. In my view this discrepancy is concerning and the Council are appearing to me trying to obscure from the public their true intention in terms of housing load. This can be interpreted as misleading in my view, and there should be one lower figure than 2400, without confusion and restricted to a time period with a legal commitment to build no more. Even the 2400 figure seems very high as this does not affect the birth rate in Warrington and nationally at this time, which are at record lows. Whilst I do not contest the current acute need for particularly affordable housing, the scale of the developments and type in South Warrington do not reflect this affordable housing need or long term trends in need, resulting in the risk of longer term inappropriate type and over supply with corresponding devaluation of the areas prices. We also need clear legal protection for the rest of the green belt surrounding south Warrington and Warrington as a whole before further housing commitments.
- whilst the addition of schools and recreational areas was nicely planned in my opinion, the transport infrastructure plans were vague and I am very concerned about the lack of exploration of rail linkage and adequate strengthening of motorway links and roads/cycle paths/bus only routes to the town centre. South Warrington is already suffering with regular road traffic congestion and pollution and these plans will significantly increase this in my view, going against COP26 and commitments by our government. I would in particular like to see serious consideration of how we could extend rail linkages to South Warrington in future. We need road and rail infrastructure plans clearly defined and costed in advance of the housing and business proposals to adequately judge if they can be supported.

Business expansion area South Warrington
- the scale of this expansion is dramatic and feels completely unnecessary to me given the size of the existing industrial site. I found the arguments for the scale of expansion here unconvincing and once again they would add considerable pressure to the road network and motorway junction particularly alongside the housing plans, which would risk significant problems for residents.