Respondent name
Mrs J.S Foster
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1. The amount of new dwellings & associated vehicles is clearly unsustainable.
2. I live near the recent Pewterspear Development & already the traffic has increased substantially making getting into Warrington & onto the M56 via the A49 that more time consuming. which you were warmed about by the residents et al at the so called planning stage.
3. The resulting air quality problems caused by the increased traffic needs to be seriously considered & your proposed actions made clear to the residents of our area.
4. The development of much needed extra infrastructure such as medical Centres, Schools, Shops & Leisure Centres also need to be seriously considered & your proposed actions made clear to the residents of our area before ant approval is given.
5. Why have you not considered brown field sites, these are much less damaging to our green spaces & should & also need to be seriously considered & your proposed actions made clear to the residents of our area before ant approval is given before any approval is given.