Respondent name
Rory Pritchard
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objecting to allocation for a number of reasons: Concern with loss of Green Belt which will result in merging with St Helens development at Parkside and visual impact when approaching Winwick; Exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release in accordance with NPPF not evidenced and not evidenced that all brownfield land has been used; Concern with potential health impacts of electricity Pylon and cables running across the site; impact on wildlife including bird species, bats and smaller animals; current road infrastructure especially along Waterworks Lane is completely insufficient to take more traffic whilst development will result in wider congestion across Winwick's roads, with additional congestion and air quality impacts, including impacts on the school; proposed developments at Peel Hall, Croft and Culcheth would add even further traffic and pollution problems in Winwick; lack of facilities for new housing, including lack of places at the school, limited shops and no doctor, dentist or chemist; development will not meet any identified need for Winwick and will not be affordable; concerns with water pressure and drainage.