Respondent name
Carolyn Prosser
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I object strongly to this proposal. Over the past few years masses of farmland and green belt has been destroyed by extensive building of housing estates. Grappenhall and Thelwall have been reduced to semi-urban sprawl. Despite this
development there has been no attempt to improve the amenities in serve these estates. Indeed the bus services have been reduced and there have been no additional shops or doctors to service the new developments. Traffic is pretty bad much of the day especially on Knutsford Road terminating into more or less continuous queues over the Latchford Swing Bridge. In addition there are frequent diversions caused by M6 closures or congestion which cause massive logjams throughout Grappenhall.
My understanding is that the Council has at its disposal numerous brown field sites including a massive amount of land around the former Fiddlers Ferry power station.
I would ask you to please reconsider this proposal and look to more suitable sites which have less destructive impact on local communities.