Respondent name
Bren Harrington
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Objecting the allocation for a number of reasons: Concern with flooding and drainage; not demonstrated safe access can be provided to the site given unsuitable nature of local roads; additional cars will increase congestion and pollution; particular issues of safety for children walking to school; site provides vital green lung mitigating noise and air pollution from M6, particularly for the primary school; against Government policy to preserve green space, build on brownfield sites and become carbon neutral; impact on habitat and wildlife, including bats; insufficient capacity in local schools, GP surgeries and other local facilities to support number of new homes; Lymm will lose its identity with the proposed level of development combined with impact of HS2; Plan uses outdated 2014 household projections; proposal will lessen the gap between Lymm and Thelwall; concern Green Belt assessment is not objective.