Respondent name
Tony Lyons (Pewterspear Green Trust Ltd)
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The trust is concerned to note the intention to build a significant number of new homes in Stretton and to undertake various forms of infrastructure developments in areas bordering the Trust's estate. The scale of development proposed makes the plan unsound. Funding needed from new development to support the Trust's increased costs arising from the additional development in this area. Concerns also regarding drainage infrastructure across the proposed development area and the impact this may have on drains and ditches within the estate. The Trust's parkland and open spaces should be viewed as a key component within the Plan's intention to provide a network of green corridors. The Trust's Sports Pailion has been extensively renovated and has the potential to fulfil a much wider role in the community - potentially could be explanded to form a new local centre.