Respondent name
Lucy O'Doherty (St Helens Council)
Respondent Type
Neighbouring local authority
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

St Helens Councils requests the inclusion of reference in the Policy to opportunities to improve public transport provision beyond the Borough boundary, where section 3 of the Policy, particularly in recognition that people move between our two Boroughs for work (for example accessing jobs at Omega and the proposed Parkside development) and personal reasons.

Summary of comments

St Helens Council welcomes this, particularly the references within the Policy to impacts and opportunities beyond the Borough boundary with respect to general transport principals (including impacts on the Strategic Road Network) and walking and cycling facilities. However, there is currently no reference in the Policy to opportunities to improve public transport provision beyond the Borough boundary, where appropriate.

Paragraph/policy sub


Respondent Type
Neighbouring local authority
Evidence Base


Summary of comments

St Helens Borough Council welcomes the commitments made in the draft Warrington Statement of Common Ground (March 2019) (St Helens Borough Local Plan Examination Library document reference SD012) regarding the two Councils working together, in liaison with Highways England, to consider any cross boundary infrastructure or other issues related to the site specific development of the proposed Bold Forest Garden Suburb for residential development and the Parkside (East and West) sites for employment uses in the St Helens Borough Local Plan Submission Draft.

Respondent Type
Neighbouring local authority
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

It would be appropriate to make reference to supporting the delivery of Strategic Rail Freight Interchange (SRFI) facilities within section 5 of the Policy.

Summary of comments

With respect to the Parkside sites specifically, Warrington Council?s involvement in the Parkside Link Road project is noted and welcomed.

Paragraph/policy sub


Respondent Type
Neighbouring local authority
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Amend wording to reflect correct site size. St Helens Council would welcome discussion with Warrington Borough Council over the larger site and who's employment land need it will count towards.

Summary of comments

The identification of site 1EA ( in St Helens Local Plan) to assist in meeting Warrington?s needs is supported and aligns with the St Helens Borough Local Plan Submission Draft. However, Table 6 state 31.80 ha for the site area, but it is 31.22ha in the St Helens Local Plan. Whilst agreement has been reached, as set out above, that the 31.22ha of site 1EA will contribute to meeting the identified employment needs of Warrington Borough, there has been no agreement reached with respect to the additional area of the site now permitted by (St Helens Council reference P/2020/0061/HYBR and Planning Inspectorate Reference APP/H4315/V/20/3265899) for a larger 75 ha site.

Paragraph/policy sub


Respondent Type
Neighbouring local authority
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

In view of this, it would be beneficial to include a specific reference to working in partnership with neighbouring Councils in section 1 of the policy.

Summary of comments

The reference to, and inclusion of, strategic green links connecting the Borough to the wider sub-region is welcome, because many GI assets are cross boundary in nature.

Paragraph/policy sub

Part 1