Respondent name
Lara Jacob (Stockton Heath Parish Council)
Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Parish Council challenges the requirement of 816 houses p.a. and the associated release of Green Belt. This runs contrary to the Borough's housing strategy (written in 2018) that identified 586 units p.a. and the 10 year average of completions at 567. The government should be challenged on numbers. The Parish Council asks for a reduced and more realistic figure of 600 units per year

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Parish Council objects to the release of Green Belt land in south Warrington for housing and employment uses. It recommends adoption of lower housing figure. If any Green Belt is to be released and there should promotion of brownfield sites first with suitable protection policies for wildlife and trees in place.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Parish Council objects to the allocation as it would lead a significant increase traffic and congestion in south Warrington as people look to cross over to go to the north of the Borough for the facilities and employment centres there. Current infrastructure is inadequate with roads unable to accommodate the present volume of traffic. Transport Infrastructure should be provided upfront to prevent congestion in Stockton Heath Village.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Parish Council is concerned that other facilities including new schools, medical centres and retail outlets will either be delivered when all the housing is built or not at all.

Paragraph/policy sub

MD2.3 point 27

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

There should be financial support for public transport if the developments proceed with a minimum of 5 years support.

Paragraph/policy sub

MD2.3 point 29

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The proposed allocation in south Warrington will make poor air quality worse as traffic will be funnelled along the A49. The Parish Council does not feel this is acceptable.