Respondent name
Georgie Illsley (Tarmac Ltd)
Respondent Type
Local business owner
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

We suggest that the policy title is amended to read ?Safeguarding of Minerals Resources and Infrastructure?.

Summary of comments

We note that the site is within a sand and gravel Mineral Safeguarding Areas (MSA). We support the inclusion of proposed policy ENV3 (Safeguarding of Minerals Resources) which, in Part 1, seeks to ensure that mineral resources are protected from permanent sterilisation. Part 2 of proposed policy ENV3 seeks to ensure that minerals infrastructure, including transportation, handling and processing facilities, are safeguarded from ?incompatible? development. Given that the policy covers both mineral resources and infrastructure, we suggest that the policy title is amended to read ?Safeguarding of Minerals Resources and Infrastructure?.

Respondent Type
Local business owner
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Paragraph 210 (e) of the NPPF requires planning policies to safeguard facilities for transporting, handling and processing minerals. We seek to ensure that the operation of the roadstone coating plant, and all other minerals infrastructure sites within the borough, are appropriately safeguarded thorough the emerging Local Plan period. Therefore, we would request that exemption (e) is removed from proposed policy ENV3. This is to ensure that the proposed strategic policy meets the ?soundness? tests as set out in paragraph 35 (d) of the NPPF.

Modification if applicable

We would request that exemption (e) is removed from proposed policy ENV3.

Respondent Type
Local business owner
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Use Class E(g) employment uses are considered to be more sensitive employment uses which could be affected by the existing operations at the plant. This letter seeks to ensure that the existing operations are safeguarded and will not be affected by any incompatible future development which may be sensitive to the plant?s current operations. Therefore, we recommend that proposed policy DEV4 part 7 makes reference to the ?agent of change? principle. This is to ensure that the proposed strategic policy meets the ?soundness? tests as set out in paragraph 35 (d) of the NPPF.

Modification if applicable

We recommend that proposed policy DEV4 part 7 makes reference to the ?agent of change? principle.