Respondent name
Steve Grimster (Mr Doubleday)
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

The settlement boundary of Broomedge should be revised and adjusted to reflect recent new development on the ground in the settlement. (A plan has been attached to show the proposed amended boundary)

Summary of comments

It is our Client?s contention that the settlement boundary of Broomedge should be revised and adjusted to reflect recent new development on the ground in the settlement. This clearly demonstrates that the redevelopment of the former Willowpool Garden Centre site (for 10 residential park homes under Appeal Ref. APP/M0655/A/14/2227516) has extended the village to the north, such that the village boundary should now include this land, and wrap around the existing built area/residential curtilages. When stood on the ground looking north along Burford Lane to the former Willowpool Garden Centre site , it is clear that one still considers themselves to be in the village until exiting it as they pass the former Willowpool Garden Centre site on the left -hand side of Burford Lane (travelling north). The inclusion of the existing properties to the east of Burford Lane (north of Chapel Walks) would now reflect the extended building line/built pattern to the west of Burford Lane on the site of the former Willowpool Garden Centre. The suggested minor detailed change would allow for the Green Belt/settlement boundary around Broomedge to endure beyond the Plan period and beyond, and would represent first amendment to the settlement boundary in over 15 years (since before the Warrington UDP was adopted in 2006) taking account of physical changes now firmly established on the ground.