Respondent name
Benjamin Laverick (National Highways)
Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

In addition to the proposed housing delivery within the existing main urban area of Warrington, the development of the South East Warrington Urban Extension (SEWUE) and Fiddler?s Ferry (FF) sites are particularly of interest to National Highways due to expected impacts on the M56 / M6 interchange and M62 corridor respectively.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

the development of the new employment areas at the South East Warrington Employment Area (SEWEA) and Fiddler?s Ferry (FF) sites will be of interest to National Highways due to expected impacts on the M56 / M6 interchange and M62 corridor respectively.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

National Highways support the section of policy which states that developments must mitigate their impact or improve the performance of Warrington?s Transport Network, including the Strategic Road Network. Other aspects that National Highways support include those which focus on improving the provision for non-car modes, as this may assist in reducing single occupation car trips within and across the Borough. Furthermore, National Highways support the policy that Transport Assessments must demonstrate that trips generated by a development can adequately be served by the SRN, or identify appropriate infrastructure mitigation measures before a development is brought into use

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

National Highways support Policy INF5

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered, and that an area-wide Travel Plan is implemented on the site.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered, and that an area-wide Travel Plan is implemented on the site.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies including a Development Framework to ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered, and that an area-wide Travel Plan is mplemented on the site. Improvements to the SRN are highlighted in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered, and that an area-wide Travel Plan is implemented on the site.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered. The allocation identifies that no work can begin on this site until improvements have been made at Junction 20 of the M6. SRN improvements have been highlighted in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The allocation is supported by policies which ensure that transport infrastructure identified by a Transport Assessment is delivered

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Evidence Base


Summary of comments

It is considered that the transport evidence provided at this stage is strong, displaying evidence throughout to be able to inform National Highways of the impact of the plan proposals at the SRN, at both an individual site allocation level, and on a cumulative basis.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Evidence Base

Western Link Modelling

Summary of comments

The technical note submitted as part of the Local Plan evidence base does not include M56 Junction 11 in its study area, as the purpose of the note is to demonstrate the impact of the Local Plan on the WWL scheme itself. Along with a number of comments, it is noted that the assessment concludes that ?the developments could have a significant impact on the Western Link?. As such, it is suggested that further assessments are undertaken at M56 Junction 11 to account for both the Local Plan growth, and the delivery of the WWL scheme over the life of the Plan.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Evidence Base

Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Summary of comments

it is noted that the IDP is intended as a ?live? document. This should ensure that any infrastructure identified later in the plan process can still be included.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Evidence Base

Statement of Common Ground

Summary of comments

It is recommended that a separate, topic specific Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) for transport is written and agreed.