Respondent name
Steve Grimster (Osbourne & Co)
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Supportive of the requirement to deliver ambitious housing growth in Warrington, which goes hand in hand with the Borough?s economic growth aspirations; as such, the aforementioned targets should very much be viewed as a minimum, and capable to being exceeded through additional housing land in order to boost significantly the supply of housing in Warrington consistent with the NPPF. It is equally important that the Council builds a contingency into the emerging Local Plan for a slippage/shortfall in housing delivery during the Plan period.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Supportive of the requirement to deliver ambitious housing growth in Warrington, which goes hand in hand with the Borough?s economic growth aspirations; as such, the aforementioned targets should very much be viewed as a minimum, and capable to being exceeded through additional housing land in order to boost significantly the supply of housing in Warrington consistent with the NPPF. It is equally important that the Council builds a contingency into the emerging Local Plan for a slippage/shortfall in housing delivery during the Plan period.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Support for Council's position in relation to the exceptional circumstances for Green Belt release.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Supportive of the South East Warrington Urban Extension. Own land immediately adjacent and understand this will be outwith the allocation but removed from the Green Belt to form part of Warrington's urban area. Fully supportive of this approach. Want to ensure that land does not form part of any landscape buffer or open space for the SEWUE. Land is able to deliver approx 28 dwellings and would have regard for the framework masterplan associated with the SEWUE.