Respondent name
University of Chester
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Modification if applicable

We request that a suitable policy is amended to provide explicit support for the needs of and growth of the University over the Local Plan period. It is suggested that Policy DEV4 (Economic Growth and Development) could be added to, or a new policy inserted under Objective W1 or W4.

Summary of comments

The University has a strategically important role in supporting the Council with achieving the vision and objectives set out in the UPSVLP. The University of Chester is the only university in Warrington, and is therefore a key partner in providing access to the training and education opportunities essential to creating a highly skilled workforce, and
a strong and sustainable local economy. The UPSVLP will provide the planning framework for the Borough until 2038. It is considered a significant omission to not explicitly reference the University as a key partner, or for any policies to explicitly support the needs of and growth of the University or higher education establishments in general.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Padgate campus at Crab Lane is proposed to be allocated within the Suburban Areas (DC1) of Warrington, with some areas of the site allocated as Green Infrastructure / Open Space (DC3 / DC5). Policy DC1 confirms that the Suburban Area will be the focus for infill development on brownfield and greenfield sites, ensuring that new development is in keeping with its established surroundings. The areas of the site allocated under policies DC3 and DC5 align with areas identified within the 2015 Open Space Audit. This includes areas for ?natural / semi-natural green space? and ?private outdoor sports?. As referenced at the start of this letter, the University are in the process of creating a presence in Warrington town centre, to increase their accessibility, and improve their engagement with and opportunities for the local community. The future of the Padgate campus is accordingly under consideration and as such, it is considered appropriate for the site to remain unallocated for any specific land use to ensure maximum flexibility.