Respondent name
Chris Gardner (Omega Warrington Ltd)
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Amend policy and supporting text to acknowledged that site 1EA now has the benefit of planning permission (P/2020/0061).

Summary of comments

OWL welcome the Council?s continued recognition of the importance of Omega as an Existing Employment Area and primary location for industrial, warehousing, offices, distribution development. As agreed by the two neighbouring Local Authorities through the DtC process, Site 1EA of St Helens Council Local Plan will count towards meeting Warrington's employment land need. As this site now has the benefit of planning permission, Policy DEV4 and supporting text of the UPSVLP should be updated to make reference to this fact.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Policies Map
Modification if applicable

Amend Policies Map to reflect new position of a previous SAM and note that it is now has Grade II Listed status.

Summary of comments

OWL support the change to the Omega Employment Area allocation in the Policies Map, which now reflects the most up-to-date planning position on the site following the approval of outline planning permission 2019/36241 for further residential development in Phases 4-7, Omega South. However, OWL wish to highlight that the proposed Policies Map does not show the most up-to-date information in relation to the Scheduled Ancient Monument previously situated on the site. To facilitate the development of the Omega site, this heritage asset (Pickett Hamilton Fort) was removed from its original location under a Schedule Ancient Monument Consent (Ref. S00166399) and relocated to a new location and then granted Grade II Listed status.