Respondent name
Peter Black (Croft Parish Council)
Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Does not consider climate change and promotes unsustainable growth

Summary of comments

The Climate Change Emergency and COP26 means the Council should go further and promote sustainable development less based on cars and with reduced reliance on Green Belt.

Paragraph/policy sub

Part 1

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Reduction in Plan period from 18 to 17 years.

Summary of comments

Reduction in the time period would reduce the require fewer properties. Urban Capacity should take account of more post-covid realities in that more major sites will become available during the plan period. Densities in urban areas should be reviewed.

Paragraph/policy sub

Part 1

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Flexibility should be 5% not 10%.

Summary of comments

5% flexibility as opposed to a 10% flexibility. Allowance should be used. 10% not justified.

Paragraph/policy sub

Para 4.1.11

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Urban capacity should take account of post covid era and allow for more major sites to become available.

Summary of comments

Bank quay and Unilever will become available in the Plan period this should be considered in the plan. Suggest a further 4,000 homes can be provided in sustainable locations. In addition if the hospital is relocated this would release a central brown field site.

Paragraph/policy sub

Para 4.1.12

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Suggest that specifying habitable rooms per hectare as it is better for meeting Warrington's specific housing needs.

Summary of comments

Welcome higher densities in the town centre but think that 30dwp is too low for the existing urban areas outside the town centre and these should be re-assessed. Comparable standards for habitable rooms should be developed to avoid tiny flats.

Paragraph/policy sub

Parts 5-7

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Removal of allocations in GB1.

Summary of comments

No exceptional circumstances.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Evidence Base

Site Assessment Methodology

Summary of comments

The Green Belt land allocated consists of the best and most versatile agricultural land and according to the NPPF should be protected from development.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Delete the allocation. If developed it is suggested that the following wording is added to the policy a local housing need assessment will be carried out in collaboration with the local community and Parish Council and any housing approved should directly meet the identified needs of the local community. Any ?affordable housing? should be affordable in perpetuity.

Summary of comments

There is no evidence that the housing allocated is needed in this areas. Croft has limited facilities and would generate car based trips. Affordable housing unlikely to be provided. The site also makes a major contribution to the Green Belt.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

Delete the allocation. If allocated the site should be reduced to 7 ha and housing densities should be higher. If allocated wording as follows should be added a local housing need assessment will be carried out in collaboration with the local community and Parish Council and any housing approved should directly meet the identified needs of the local community. Any ?affordable housing? should be affordable in perpetuity.

Summary of comments

There is no evidence that the housing allocated is needed in this areas. Culcheth has limited facilities and would generate car based trips. Affordable housing unlikely to be provided. The site also makes a major contribution to the Green Belt.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

No firm proposals for sustainable transport.

Modification if applicable

Reserve land for fixed link public transport and high quality cycle routes prior to new development taking place.

Summary of comments

There are no firm walking, cycling and sustainable transport proposals proposed in the plan and the associated LTP4.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Policy wording has failed in the past. No alternatives to car transport provided.

Modification if applicable

Reserve land for fixed link public transport and high quality cycle routes prior to new development taking place.

Summary of comments

Policy wording has failed in the past no alternatives to car transport provided.

Respondent Type
Parish Council
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

It will promote a car based development and encourage unhealthy lifestyles as well as wasting a greenfield site.

Modification if applicable

Delete the policy.

Summary of comments

The policy will generate cars as there are no sustainable links to support it. This will negatively impact on Culcheth and Croft.