Respondent name
Paula Gunner (Warrington & Halton NHS Trust)
Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Trust supports the Vision for the Town.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

The Trust applauds the Vision and ambitions set out in the Plan as access to both skilled and unskilled workers drawn from local and wider communities is critical for the sustainability of our organisation. Given our previous representation, it is pleasing to see the health needs of our Borough identified as a golden thread which runs throughout the proposed submission.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Modification if applicable

There is a clear need to enhance care for the over-75 population especially given forecast growth of this demographic by an additional 50 % across the Plan period.

Summary of comments

The Trust supports commitments within this objective to ring fence a minimum of 20% of all housing developments over 10 units as affordable housing, and the provision for First Homes. The Trust also supports efforts outlined to provide suitable accommodation for older people and people with disabilities, as suitable housing is supported as it enables a left shift of care within the Borough.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Trust supports the inclusion of improved linkages to the Town Centre from the rest of the Borough and beyond. There is a recognition of traffic congestion, but little in the Plan to address the current situation. Support for reducing emissions and improving air quality. However, there is already a prevalence of patients with repertory illnesses and this is likely to be exacerbated through further development, especially within Inner Warrington and the Town Centre. The recognition of the requirement for a new Hospital is welcome, especially as we progress with our robust Outline Business Case for an integrated solution to secondary health care needs, as a bid to be one of the eight new Hospitals proposed by the UK Government.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Specifically within Inner Warrington we fully support the policies which aim to improve the overall environment of the area through public realm improvements, improved access to services and infrastructure, promoting sustainable transport, promoting access to Green Infrastructure, provision of new employment opportunities and not being detrimental to air quality and wider public health. The Trust is fully engaged with the Central Six Regeneration Masterplan.

Respondent Type
Statutory/prescribed body
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The declaration by WBC of a climate emergency and the pledges to make the Borough a net zero area, align with the Trust?s ambitions, with the Trust being a key delivery partner against these objectives of the Local Plan.