Respondent name
Brenda Pearson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Plan does not meet the needs of Warrington. It is based on out of date data and does not follow government guidelines on Green Belt use for development. Infrastructure needs will not be met should the development proposals go ahead. In particular objects to Green Belt use in South Warrington. Local plan does not address the use of brownfield land but seeks to allow developers to use Green Belt as this is more profitable and simpler. The majority of houses proposed will be in south Warrington and will not be affordable. Plan also overlooks the need to regenerate the town centre. Development in south Warrington would not facilitate this due to access restrictions and residents in the new houses would likely commute to nearby cities. Little thought has been given to infrastructure provision - social and transport. Concerns about congestion and air pollution. The proposed development will be detrimental to all residents of the Borough. Building on Green Belt and destroying wild life should be a last resort.