Respondent name
Marcus Shaw
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I find it quite frankly appalling that the local authority has only held consultation events at one central location for a population of circa 210,000. I attended a more local event that was arranged by the local parish council to try and provide visibility ? again, I found it appalling that there was no local authority/ LPA presence at these sessions. This is clearly not appropriate consultation and does not cater for equality and diversity or clear and meaningful local level community consultation. In addition, I think the level of consultation goes against planning policy and could be perceived as the LA doing the bare minimum to push the plan for self gain i.e. increased council tax income for high banded resi housing in the south of say ?12m per annum based on 4,200 homes. Not to mention the business rates income from the Six 56 development. Moreover, I have noted that the automated consultation system does not provide people with autonomy of offering a response and leads the local population to providing the local authority with leading question responses with a clear agenda of growth to city status. The people of Warrington do not want or aspire for city status and have made this clear previously (put it to a vote); On this basis, may I remind you that WBC has democratically elected individuals that represent the people and everything that you do goes against this, including listening to the previous feedback and making change that reflects the wishes of the people.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

It is inappropriate that the Council is relying on evidence base prepared by the developers promoting the site. It is unclear whether the consented schemes in this area are included in the 4,200 home allocation. There are concerns that the Western Link will not go forward and this is important to the Plan as a whole. Transport plans are to not developers to a sufficient level of detail meaning there is a risk of homes coming forward without the required supporting infrasturcutre. Clarity is required on whether there has been any consultation with the Department for Education, NHS, DFT or Highways England on proposed new schools, health facility and road infrastructure. Why are there no new bridges proposed arcross the canal given exsiting congestion. There is no train infrastrcuture in south Warrington meaning increase traffice congerstion with impacts on air quality and noise and any proposal for increase bus services are not adequate. In addition to potential 8,400 additional cars from new homes, further traffice will be generated from the Leisure centre and retial uses. The scale of infrastructure required could not be funded from S106 or CIL and it is clear that the LA has not had any proactive discussions with public sector partners or indeed, funders. There is sufficient brownfield capacity not to require the allocation. Development will impact on ecological assets in the area. The proposed communtity hub could draw in additional cars from the motorway given its proximity to the motorway. The plan is fundamentally, flawed and has a key agenda in the south of building houses with higher council tax and business rates to bring in income generations for the local authority

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The amount of warehouse and logistics proposed within the south is quite frankly frightening and I am unable to comprehend how LOCAL jobs will be created given it?s a transport model proposal with many plans within the industry to automate where possible. In addition, the scale of jobs against the scale of the land is negligible. In addition, it is well documented that in the UK we have a shortage of 100,00 HGV drivers, over the next 10-20 years, I envisage that more HGV drivers will take to the road with the aspiration from Government of getting closer to the 100,000 target with many of these vehicles coming to the south ? how is this model sustainable and what value does it add to the future generations of Warrington? In addition, it is clear from recent events that Eddie Stobarts and the wider logistics industry is not sustainable, what would Warrington want to develop within this sector ? surely there are greener initiatives that have less impact on the local environment, air quality and not to mention the pollution ? Don?t hide behind electrification, its years behind in this sector.

Respondent Type
Evidence Base

SEWUE - A Deliverable Proposition

Summary of comments

I would like to raise a key point point about the new development (Application Number:2017/29930) off Dipping Brook Avenue and draw your attention to the proposed new Road that cuts through the new housing estate (ringed below) - and through greenbelt land. The key areas of concern to me are the key dates and alignment to the draft local plan consultation of 2019. Fundamentally the planning application was submitted on 2nd March 2017 and decision made on 18th January 2018. This development was approved. Given these key dates and the design of the development with a clear gap in the land put in place to support a new road; I am very much struggling to understand how and why this new road was not put into the draft local plan of 2019 and put it to you that that WBC/ Homes England and commercial partners new about this new revision and inclusion of the South East Warrington Extension at 2019. Given this, it should have incorporated the new road into the draft plan and put of to you that the South East Extention has been in development for some time and pre the 2019 consultation