Opposed to loss of Green Belt due to health and wellbeing benefits provided for local community - no exceptional circumstances provided for Green Belt release. Predictions for housing need are higher than data suggests is necessary. Proposed development would place unsustainable demands on already over-congested road system - proposed road improvements are inadequate. Scale of development would lead to increased congestion/pollution. Plan does not give adequate attention to future availability of brownfield sites. The poor highway infrastructure and geographical constraints within Warrington make the plan undeliverable.
Opposed to loss of Green Belt due to health and wellbeing benefits provided for local community - no exceptional circumstances provided for Green Belt release. Predictions for housing need are higher than data suggests is necessary. Proposed development would place unsustainable demands on already over-congested road system - proposed road improvements are inadequate. Scale of development would lead to increased congestion/pollution. Plan does not give adequate attention to future availability of brownfield sites. The poor highway infrastructure and geographical constraints within Warrington make the plan undeliverable.