Respondent name
Chris Lewis
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Site has recreational value and benefits health and wellbeing of local community. Currently valuable Green Belt - questions how value of the site is now lower than previously thought when Green Belt status was defended. Site has Special Landscape Character Status - questions what has changed to now make site worthy of destruction. No further environmental assessment carried out since inclusion of site in revised plan - development would result in significant loss of ecology and loss of high quality agricultural land. Development would fundamentally change character of the listed property.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Made comments on previous plan version - most points still relevant. Rate of construction proposed is greater than has been achieved before - recent calculations suggest a smaller population - questions how proposed no. of homes are justifiable. Questions whether Green Belt release is justifiable due to uncertainty regarding the actual no. of houses needed. Little thought has gone into infrastructure provision to support proposed development.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Plan requires removal of huge tract of Green Belt for proposed Six56 development. Using land for industrial purposes is against purpose of Green Belt. Lack of detail on types if employment created - concern that employment opportunities will be low skilled/low paid and unlikely therefore to be suitable for local people.