Respondent name
Elizabeth Webster
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

Object to the rezoning proposals taking into account:-
(a) the significant adverse traffic impacts on the exiting local road network, with associated adverse impacts on the character and amenity of the area and the amenities of local residents;
(b) the lack of adequate highways infrastructure to serve this scale of development ? specifically the absence of the original planned High Level Bridge/expressway proposal;
(c) the potential adverse impact of the High Level Bridge/expressway proposal both on the environment and amenities of residents in the vicinity of the bridge;
(d) the exceptional high landscape value of the area and the loss of good agricultural land.

Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Why you consider the Draft Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound or fails to comply with the duty to co-operate

Harmful landscape impact. Insufficient justification for proposed rezoning. Traffic and highways implications.

Summary of comments

The area proposed for rezoning not only lies within open countryside but is also on one of the most elevated sites in the Borough of Warrington. The proposal would have a grossly harmful visual impact on the surrounding area when account is taken of the following: the extent of the site (242 acres); the scale of development (3 million sq. ft); the height and the illumination of the night sky. The combination of these factors means that the harmful visual impact would not only be from short distance views but also medium and long distance. Any argument that this scale and type of development could reasonably be mitigated by earth mounding and landscaping is absurd. There are no exceptional circumstances for the rezoning of this site on the grounds of major economic benefits. There are other sites available in the borough in more suitable locations. The rezoning also cannot be reasonably justified on the basis of its location alongside the Barleycastle Trading Estate as this was a brownfield site. This major development would also involve significant increased traffic (both HGVs and employees? vehicles) with associated adverse impacts on the local highway network. The highways impact also needs to be viewed in association with other committed and planned major developments in the area.