Respondent name
Andree Hillas
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

1.where do the council get the figures for the need to build all these houses when the roads are already congested,
2.It's almost impossible to get dental and Medical appointments now, and will we have to wait 5 years for the proposed new medical centre which happened at Chapelford.
3.We have just seen and heard for the last week about world leaders at the Cop Conference talking about climate change which Warrington council doesn't seem to take into account when making unrealistic plans which will affect us all.
4.The plan lacks any provision for a new recycling centre for the area which is desperately needed with the volume of new housing, away from existing housing.
5.The noise levels now are high with existing traffic and carbon emissions without the fact that every new house built will have a minimum of two cars, the government want hybrid and electric vehicles when then are few charging points in the area. Please consider these points.