Respondent name
Pam Seed
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I am opposed to the plans to build on the greenbelt at Warrington South for the following reasons:-
The infrastructure already cannot cope with the amount of traffic currently using the roads around Warrington South. It cannot cope with increased traffic caused by more building.
The increase in traffic would create even more pollution, especially as would probably stationary for long periods as roads unable to cope. Three sets of traffic lights around Latchford swing bridge already cause delays. Then the times when the bridge opens to allow a boat through. Also any problems on the viaduct and Knutsford road becomes a car park. To increase the amount of traffic makes no sense at all.
There is no justification to take away the greenbelt around Warrington South for more building.
There is no need to destroy the character and landscape of the villages around this area.